A Few Of Our Favorite Rankings From 2016

A Few Of Our Favorite Rankings From 2016

2016….whoa! What a year!

While 2016 had its ups & downs, I can say one thing for sure, Google gave us an on-your-toes year. Matt Cutts joined the U.S. government; Google placed ads in Maps; We were introduced to AMP.

We have also partaken in a lot of amazing experiences. We introduced our parent company, Break The Web, Inc. We have effectively improved our internal systems to satisfy clients with smaller budgets. We have also networked and gathered intel with some of the greatest SEO minds of the world.

Even more so, throughout 2016, we were presented with a few algorithm changes:

  • Core Algorithm Update – January 8th, 2016
  • Core Algorithm Update – May 10th, 2016
  • Mobile Friendly 2 Update – May 12th, 2016
  • Possum Update – September 1st, 2016
  • Penguin 4.0 #1 – September 23rd, 2016
  • Penguin 4.0 #2 – September 26rd, 2016
  • Penguin 4.0 #3 – October 6th, 2016
  • Core Algorithm Update – November 10th, 2016

Throughout all of these algorithmic changes, as you would expect, we remained completely unaffected, not receiving any sort of penalty, and 85% of the time, our clients’ rankings have improved tremendously.

Because of this, I quickly gathered a few of our favorite rankings from 2016. All of these are current satisfied clients of ours who are experiencing tremendous traffic increases, as well as increases in sales and conversions.

*Shhhh: one of our clients is currently in discussion to have their company bought out by a HUGE competitor!

Take a look below at some of our favorite rankings from 2016…

note: to protect the privacy of our clients, all search terms have been blurred out

Rankings #1

Campaign Started in July 2016; Page 1 by August 2016; #1 By December 2016

Rankings #2

Being on page 1 is great and all, but being #2 is way better!

Rankings #3

From Page 4 To Page 1 In Less Than 4 months, Yes Please!

Rankings #4

#1 in 2 months
“Thanks for the holiday gift”

Rankings #5

Bottom of Page 1  #1 in a few short months

Rankings #6

In 2015 we made you #2. We don’t accept shortcomings!

Do you even rank?

Many so-called “SEO agencies” talk about how they’re the best company. Where’s the proof? Where’s your website ranking?

I take in pride in the fact that my agency has been in the top 2 positions for every “New York SEO” term for over 2 years and that we deliver amazing results for every client.

Are you ready to start getting results?

SEO 2014: Recapping The Biggest News In The Industry

SEO - Year in ReviewIt’s now 2015, and the dust has settled from all of the SEO revelations of 2014. While this past year may have not seen the biggest search engine ranking shakeups in history (that was probably 2012 with the birth of Penguin), it was dynamic and had plenty of SEO pros on their toes trying to keep up.

Just what does Google want a poor SEO or webmaster to do? An ordered list of the top SEO news of 2014 should uncover a pattern for smart SEOs and webmasters.

Top SEO News Of 2014 And Predictions For 2015

Top Google Search Terms For The Year

Just to keep things interesting, we’ll begin with a summary of some of the top Google searches for the year. This is relevant because most of these searches are related to current events, so it may give content producers an understanding of some current topics to focus on that are happening in 2015.

Top Searches For 2014:

    * Robin Williams
    * World Cup
    * Ebola
    * Malaysia Airlines

These are either related to crisis situations, famous performers, entertainment, or in the case of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, a promotional event to raise money for a good cause. It’s impossible to predict what will interest people through all of 2015, but it should be fairly easy to spot that type of news when it happens. Not every bit of news will trend to the top, but it’s worth a shot or major news stories.

Mobile Is Still Growing

If it hasn’t already been done, all websites need to be optimized for mobile use and mobile searches. If there is one thing that is taking off, it is the use of handheld devices, like smart phones and tablet computers, to search on the Internet. Website owners who have resisted the move to mobile are bound to lose their market share — and they might even lose their shirts.

Just look at these statistics right from Google:

* In 2014, 1.3 billion Internet phones were shipped all over the world.
* Today, users spend an average of over 150 minutes a day using their smart phones, and this is now more than they spend watching TV or using a laptop computer.
* Google says that about 20 percent of their searches are related to locations.
* Searches for things “nearby” the user have grown five times since 2011.

This should enable any decent SEO to make some good predictions about 2015. People are going mobile, and they are using their phones and other Internet devices to look for local products and services.

Google’s Pigeon Update: Local Search Improvement

There is another new animal in the Google zoo, and this one is called pigeon. It is intended to improve mobile searches, and it has already been rolled out in over 100 countries. This means two things:

* SEOs need to obtain verified map listings in any locality they plan to do business in.
* Local search has become extremely competitive because the “local boxes” have reduced the number of business listings on the first page of search.
* Local search will become even more competitive as local businesses get the idea that they need to get plugged in.

Penguin Keeps Getting Revised

When the first Penguin rolled out, it caused a major shakeup in the SEO industry. Plenty of webmasters saw their traffic decline overnight. However, other webmasters were lucky enough to reap the benefits because somebody has to be on the first page, right.

Penguin has certainly not gone away, but it seems to have settled more into a flow of discounting poor links but not really penalizing websites for them unless they are obviously outrageous.

Also, Google employees have stated that plenty of quality links can overwhelm any negative value attached to poor links. Even if it is not possible, and sometimes it isn’t, to wipe out all of the bad links, it might be possible to overcome any slaps with plenty of good ones. This is because the algorithm is said to notice improvement.

Anyway, the same rules still apply when it comes to safe link building:

* A few good links are great; thousands of low-quality links could be a disaster.
* Don’t over-optimize anchor text. Analyze top competitors in a niche and try to mimic them.

It’s also important to note that some webmasters have reported recovering from an original Penguin penalty after the penalty simply expired. The websites may not have completely sprung back to life because no decent links were left after several months had passed, but they did seem to respond to new link-building efforts, and that was not something they had done in the past.

Apparently There Are Mild Cases Of Penguin

Another surprising statement by Matt Cutts in 2014 is that there were mild cases of Penguin vs. strong cases. Apparently, recovery by adding better links is more likely in the “mild” case situation. Link removal and reconsideration requests might be needed for the severe ones.

Where Did Author Photos Go?

Google made a big deal out of authorship, and some websites did very well by taking advantage of the fact they could link sites to their Google Plus profile. The listing had a picture, so it was very visible. Then Google removed the photos, and webmasters thought their efforts were wasted.

However, there is still plenty of evidence that Google notices top contributors in a topic, and it is still worth it to use Google authorship. It might not still result in a listing with a thumbnail picture, but it should still help with ranking.

What’s Ahead For 2015?

There are still plenty of opportunities to draw more visitors from organic search engine rankings. The emphasis is on gaining quality links from quality websites. Other tips to ranking include getting verified in local search and gathering authoritative local citations. Of course, good content that naturally draws in visitors and gets shared on social networks adds a boost, but nobody is still exactly sure how strong that boost is.

Come Get Your Google Business View Photos…

businessview1We are happy to announce that we have added to the team. Brian Berkowitz, a Google Certified Photographer, is now partnering with us to provide Google Business View to our clients.

To learn more about our Google Business View services, please visit it’s dedicated page by Clicking Here

This cool new technology allows your customers to take a deep look inside your business. Google has performed various case studies to prove that having this powerful feature by your side will increase business.

See a wonderful example of Google Business View Below:

To learn more about our Google Business View services, please visit it’s dedicated page by Clicking Here

How We’re Different – Video

With so many SEO companies out there, finding one that does the job right can be difficult. In the video below, we discuss the common shady tactics of some of the top SEO firms.

What Is The Semantic Web?

We are now proud to announce that we now offer Semantic Web Optimization Services which can be found at the following site, http://www.swoservices.com.

What Is The Semantic Web?

semantic webThe Semantic Web is something that many have heard of, yet so many are still in the dark about what it truly is. That is because things are still new and of course the semantic web is also something like a mystery since it is still in such early stages of development. In this article we will examine the semantic web and help you gain a clear understanding of what it is so there is no more wonder in your mind. If you are computer savvy and want to make your computer and browsing experience a better one, this is the article that was made just for you!

The Semantic Web is tagged information that computers and other similar systems can easily access and decipher. With it information can be reused and recycled and people spend much less time trying to build their company or business name. Tim Berners-Lee is to thank for the introduction of the Semantic Web just a few short years ago. With the semantic web it becomes easier for search engines to pull out the relevant information , the details that you want, whether you search for your family history, a recipe or your family tree!

With the use of the Semantic Web an article or a document can be taken apart and the guts of it can be learned. This includes information including the author’s name, the name of the article or paper, the topic and the publisher of the article.

There are many ways to utilize the Semantic Web. One way, you will need a DOCTYPE file for your document, a root element ant, and <head> and <title> elements and a body and frame element. The document that has been properly structured in the right way will be displayed in a tree format. All of the elements then branch off of the element according to their importance. Because of this it is easy to design CSS style sheets and to interact with specific nodules with the help of Javascript.

The second and proficient method is called Semantic Markup, where certain codes are entered into the website text. We specialize in using Semantic Markup.

Writing Semantic Web Pages

There are just a few steps needed to write a webpage in semantic form.

  1. Use HTML elements so it is easy to determine what the content is
  2. Be sure that all headers define other headers. You also need to make sure that they are in the right order according to their importance.
  3. Always use paragraph tags (<>) to initiate a paragraph
  4. When navigation is of the essence make sure that you are using lists
  5. Avoid style-based tags

Once these steps are completed then it is easy to make the page your own design and style. You will use Javascript and CSS to do this.

Although this may sound like a foreign language to those who do not handle the insides of computers and their operation, once you get to know and understand the processes things become far easier and you will easily understand what it all means.

In addition to the basics, you can use the semantic web for sites that are already in the process of development. Some of the XML specifications that can be used include FOAF, OWL and RDF formats.

There’s a lot of talk and a lot of buzz about the semantic web. With the traditional form of website design you concentrate your attention on semantic form you are focusing on the relations between these things and how the computer understands it all.

If all of this sounds complicated to you, well, that’s because it is. Semantic web is abstract since it is an idea instead of a technology that is being used. With this idea you combine all of the things that one can see when they browse the internet and describe them and how they relate to one another.

You see, when you go on a website to look for something, you know what it is that you are looking for, what you want. Your computer, on the other hand, doesn’t. When semantic web is used you can learn exactly what it is, whose it is and more.

Learning Semantic Web

Whether you want to try it out for yourself as a web designer or simply want to know the process, there are a few ways that can be used to help learn the semantic web. You should apply all of these processes together to learn the semantic web process and how to do it. Software journals are probably the easiest and the best way to learn semantic web. With a quick web search you can easily find these journals.

Once you learn the process of creating Semantic Web you also need to have the right software to do the job. You learn Semantic Web also the same way that you learned how to use the original computer software for the first time.

The semantic web leaves ontologies of information, so this can certainly help someone with many different things that they may need to use.

Be sure to be confident in your work or hire New York SEO Services that are confident in helping you.

The Importance of Semantic Web

So what does all of this mean to you and why is the Semantic Web so important? First of all, the internet and the number of users accessing it changes on a daily basis. There needs to be a method that can help sort through all of the data, finding only information that is relevant to you and what it Is that you are looking for. This reduces the time, energy and effort that is spent online trying to find things. Whether a business minded individual or someone that simply wants to browse the web, Semantic Web can make it all far easier.

The Semantic web is brand new and people are still playing around with it, trying to learn what they can do. It is most definitely an interesting process that can help the internet expand and explode into a better, more meaningful web that everyone together can enjoy. Why let computers have all of the fun when there can be implementations made and the web made a better place for everyone? When the process of Semantic Web is learned this is just what can happen!